
Combined Utilities for Beowulf (cub)


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This project is no longer being maintained by the original authors. If you would like to take over responsibility for the CUB project, please contact Will or Andy.


Combined Utilities for Beowulf (cub) is a tailored set of open-source software tools and an installation script distributed in a CD image. The cub package itself is an open source project hosted from the following Sourceforge web site:

The cub script simplifies the task of installing and configuring a Linux Beowulf cluster consisting of one server node and up to 128 IA32 or Alpha client nodes. The cluster interconnect can be either all Ethernet interconnect (the default) or an Ethernet/Myrinet combination. The base distribution is currently Red Hat, although SuSE, Debian, or other RPM-based distributions can be accommodated.

The script builds a cluster that integrates two of the best available tools for configuring and managing workstation clusters intended to run parallel computing applications. These tools are:

The Linux Utility for cluster Install (LUI) utility — an open-source project sponsored by IBM that was released in April of 2000 under the GPL (GNU Public License). The LUI project home page can be found at

The Scalable Cluster Management System (SCMS) utility — one part of a set of interoperable open-source tools called the Scalable Cluster Environment (SCE), which enables users to build and use Beowulf clusters. The SCE home page can be found at

SCE is a project of the Parallel Research Group, Computer and Network System Research Laboratory, Department of Computer Engineering, The Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand.  

This cub documentation leads you through the cub installation process and introduces you to the LUI and SCMS utilities. You'll learn about the utilities' graphical and command-line (LUI only) interfaces and the commands and options each utility offers. For further information on either utility, please refer to its home web site.

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